Summer Show

I thought that the summer show was brilliant as it always is. I'm sure that members are very grateful to those who arranged it. A couple of questions for next year:
Sweet Peas- is it 5 stems of the same variety or any 5 stems?
Mangetout Peas - can these be entered in the pea class or can we have a manegtout pea section?
Robin A13


mike stevens said…
it,s 5 stems as they come but i do think that any judge will look more favourably at 5 good stems of a single variety over 5 good stems of a mixed variety. so to encourage more entrys in this it may be worth having a class for mixed and a class for sngle variety.mangetout peas can be entered in the pea section but again i think the judge will favour the fully matured pea. a seperate class for mangetout can be considered.