
Showing posts from February, 2013

Tomato Grafting - Action Research Opportunity

Do you want to boost your tomato crop and improve the yield and quality of your produce? Richard Viner (John Muir's Associate Member) has many years of experience in horticulture around the world. He is kindly inviting society members to take part in a research programme in which tomatoes are grafted onto a rootstock. Richard is happy to purchase the rootstock seed and special clips, and hopes that as many members who are interested will be able to produce some grafted plants using their own variety as the scion to compare with existing lines on their own roots. No expense from members except a little work and good luck- surgery is never perfect, the odd loss can be expected.  Information and contact details are available.... Tomato Grafting Proposal

February 2013 Newsletter and Society Handbook

We have emailed out the newsletter, but if you prefer a printed copy (one per plot) may be collected from a box outside of the clubhouse. We have also produced a Society Handbook, also available in the box. Again one per plot. We hope that it will be use to new members and of interest to existing members. FDAGS Committee

Marshall Seed Order - End of Service

The company has just taken down it's website for their Allotment Club and they tell me that they are re-thinking the whole process. So sorry, but you won't be able to find the site. If you have placed on order, you should contact them. It'll probably be sent direct. Thanks, Robin Waddling

Annual Subscriptions and Rents

Many thanks to everyone. These are now in and we can hopefully look forward to a great year of growing and harvesting. Robin Waddling