
Showing posts from 2012

Society AGM - Friday 18th Jan at 7.30pm

Please don't forget our AGM at the Athanaeum Club. You should have received details through the post along with a reminder to pay your subscriptions for the coming year.These need to be paid at the earliest opportunity. If you didn't receive any information please can you email the Secretary, Debbie Tritton. Many thanks. FAGS Committee

A Site Restricted Access

To complete the gate works a concrete ramp is being built, stretching across both gates. After waiting for a weather break, the contractor will now do the necessary work tomorrow (Friday 21 st Dec .   It is expected that both gates will have to remain firmly closed from Friday pm until Monday morning , to allow for concrete setting However, temporary pedestrian access to A site will be made at one the side of the closed gates between 10am and 4pm . At 4pm sharp this access will be firmly closed for the night with a security panel and re-opened in the morning. Thanks for your cooperation Tom Greenaway

Christmas Coffee Morning 2012

Our Christmas coffee morning was very well attended. It was nice to see so many new members there. This is obviously becoming an established event. Many thanks to Jackie and Wendy for their hard work. Happy Christmas to you all. Tom Greenaway.

Your Help Is Needed

Falmouth Allotments and Garden Society members are helping local students at Falmouth School to create a working garden. The project is yet another community service organised by Jacqui Owen (plot A 7) and we are glad to be involved. A bid for monies from the Devon and Cornwall Police Community Cashback fund (seized criminal assets) has been made and your help is sought. The West Briton (November 9 th issue) contains a coupon to post which is a vote for one of the many contenders.  If you can dig it out (or maybe it will be repeated this week) please support Falmouth School- school market ref. 1043 . If you are able to text : DC CCC 1043 followed by your name and postcode. CLOSING DATE IS 20 TH DECEMBER. Every vote counts--your help will be most appreciated. Thank you Tom Greenaway

Christmas Coffee Morning

Christmas Coffee Morning This will be on Saturday 8th December from about 10.30am in the clubhouse. Mince Pie, Christmas Cakes, Sausage Rolls and other goodies will be available. Come along and join the fun. Wendy and Jackie.
CHRISTMAS QUIZ EVENING SATURDAY 1 ST DECEMBER 6.30 PM FOR 7.00 PM START AT THE ATHENEUM CLUB COST £ 5.00 ( CHILDREN £ 3.00) Please see Coming Events page for more detail s. Ticket are selling fast. Remaining tickets will be on sale this coming Saturday (17th November) at the coffee morning. Don't miss out !!  


COMMITTEE CHANGES Following the recent resignations of Adrian and Cheryl Martin and Phillip Whiting the following changes are in place until the next A.G.M. Chair             ------      Tom Greenaway Vice Chair      ------      Robin Waddling Treasurer   ----- ------      Sally Mather All other committee positions are unchanged. 12 th Sept. 2012

End of Season BBQ

There will be an end of season BBQ on Saturday 1st September at 4pm. Come along and join the fun. Have your main course cooked for you, but please bring something to share.


Despite a difficult growing season the show was well attended  with many entries of the usual high standard. So many thanks to all of those who entered in the various classes and to the helpers that made the day a great success.  The end of show auction of produce was its usual success.   Society Chairman, Philip Whiting, with Mike Stevens and the President of the Society, Geoffrey Evans, Mayor of Falmouth. The Vegetable Shield - MIke Stevens Plot Holder of the Year - John Muir President's Bowls - Shirley Burley  and Jenny Waddling GALLERY   More photos, mainly courtesy of Mike Stevens may be seen by clicking on the links below: Some more of the Presentations                             Views of some of the produce If you have any photos you would like to add, please email these in. T...

Volunteer Opportunity from 1st October

Adrian and Cheryl are ‘retiring’ from the post of Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer on 30 th September , after many years of valued service. A volunteer is needed to step in and run this important job from 1 st October .   If you can help, please contact a committee member as soon as possible. Tom Greenaway, V.Chair