Your Help Is Needed

Falmouth Allotments and Garden Society members are helping local students at Falmouth School to create a working garden. The project is yet another community service organised by Jacqui Owen (plot A 7) and we are glad to be involved.
A bid for monies from the Devon and Cornwall Police Community Cashback fund (seized criminal assets) has been made and your help is sought.
The West Briton (November 9th issue) contains a coupon to post which is a vote for one of the many contenders. 
If you can dig it out (or maybe it will be repeated this week) please support Falmouth School- school market ref. 1043.
If you are able to text :DC CCC 1043 followed by your name and postcode.

CLOSING DATE IS 20TH DECEMBER. Every vote counts--your help will be most appreciated.
Thank you

Tom Greenaway