Despite a difficult growing season the show was well attended 
with many entries of the usual high standard.

So many thanks to all of those who entered in the various classes and to the helpers that made the day a great success. 

The end of show auction of produce was its usual success.

Society Chairman, Philip Whiting, with Mike Stevens and the President of the Society, Geoffrey Evans, Mayor of Falmouth.

The Vegetable Shield - MIke Stevens
Plot Holder of the Year - John Muir
President's Bowls - Shirley Burley  and Jenny Waddling

More photos, mainly courtesy of Mike Stevens may be seen by clicking on the links below:

Some more of the Presentations                            Views of some of the produce

If you have any photos you would like to add, please email these in.

The cake stall was as always very popular. Many thanks to those who donated cakes.: