
Showing posts from 2015

Hens on the Allotment

A couple of members have asked about keeping hens on their plot. This is permitted by the lease and the Town Council have issued guidelines and rules for doing this, with the well-being of the hens being the most important aspect. It is not an endeavour to be undertaken lightly. These regulations are similar to those of other allotment societies. Guidelines and an application form to do this may be found on the Society, Site and Rules page.

Summer Show 2015

This was a great success with over 40 members exhibiting their produce and with nearly 300 items exhibited. The raffle and auction were well supported and it was great that so many people came along. Photos will be published shortly and in the coming newsletter with the list of winners.
Summer Show 2015 Hard copies and entry forms are available on Saturday mornings. The schedule may be viewed on the Summer Show page.

Tree Pruning

The Town Council has started to prune the trees in the boundaries. This has been a very drastic cut and with our concern for wildlife and nesting birds they have agreed to delay further work until the autumn.

Summer Show 2015

This will be on Saturday 1st August at the Emmanuel Baptist Church. Entries may be made on the Wednesday and Thursday before the event, 5.30-7.00pm in the clubhouse. The schedule will be available for collection during the Saturday morning coffee and cake sessions in July.

Summer Newsletter 2015

This is now available on the newsletters page. There will be some hard  copies available on Saturday mornings.

Inaugural Meeting of The Falmouth Allotments Environmental Group - March 2015

Fifteen members went to the Boslowick Inn on the 11th March 2015 and enjoyed a talk and discussion with Cheryl Marriott of Cornwall Wildlife Trust. Cheryl spoke about a wide range of issues, and highlighted the crucial importance of urban environments in wildlife conservation. She suggested five key actions which would kickstart  an increase in a large number of invertebrates,  leading to many more small birds and mammals, amphibians and reptiles. They are: Open compost heaps Ponds Long grass Bushes/small trees Log piles It was decided that the group would try to meet informally during Saturday coffee mornings at the clubhouse to discuss planning future activities, such as a summer environmental day, which would include family activities. Look out for the 'wildlife sightings' board, too! Thanks to all of you for getting involved, especially those who attended, and the Boslowick Inn for being great hosts. Nick J

2015 AGM - Report

Thanks to all those who came. Draft minutes, our Chairman's Report for last year and a draft Environmental Policy can be accessed using the link below. AGM 2015 Draft Minutes

Falmouth Spring Flower Show 2015

The flower show is at the Princess Pavilion, Gyllyngdune Gardens on March 21 st and 22 nd . A free exhibition on the history of Cornwall’s daffodils, their growers and their starring role in the 105 year old Falmouth show runs from 5 th March to 28 th in the foyer of the Municipal Buildings on The Moor. The town library will display a selection of gardening books and there will be stunning daffodil arrangements by Elizabeth Doidge the Falmouth show’s vice-president. Some show schedules will be available in the clubhouse when Saturday coffee mornings start again in March. Details will be posted here and on the gates. Show Schedule2015 Entry Form 2015